Now, well after the disappointment of WWE 2K20 and the cancelation of WWE 2K21, the arrival of WWE 2K22 is finally near. Wrestling and gaming fans alike have been left to speculate on much of the details of WWE 2K22. But hopes are high for the quality of the new title due to the extra year of development time, new project management, and the game’s slogan, “It hits different” which seems to imply confidence in a new approach toward the game. 2K has managed to keep quiet regarding much of the details while promising to deliver great graphics, fluent controls, and several well polished multi-player game modes.
More details should be released in the coming months and we’ll be sure to explore them here when they do. But for now we’ll just have to wait a little longer to get our digital hands on this “Roody Poo Jabroni”.
by Chance Touchstone
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